Join the 2025 Self Study Program!

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

What is a Self Study Practice? personal development relationship development self study practice Dec 13, 2022

Every day you make choices for yourself - the choice to get out of bed or not. The choice to brush your teeth or not. The choice to perpetuate harm or to be a source of healing. The choice to do it the same way you've done it every day in the past or to do something differently.


A lot...

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How am I Supposed To Know “How It Feels In My Body” acceptance embodiment emotional intelligence emotions personal development presence somatics Nov 23, 2022

Have you recently been to a session with your coach or therapist and they've asked you "and how does that feel in your body?" or "and what sort of sensations do you notice in your body as you're telling me about this situation?" and you just LITERALLY had no idea where to start? You might have...

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