the Self Study Program 2024

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

Feelings and Needs - We All Have Them, What Are Yours? emotions feelings needs processing emotions self awareness exercise self-care Nov 23, 2022

We all have feelings and we all have needs. The problem is, most of us don't know what our feelings are here to tell us, or how to meet our needs. 

Click here to learn more about your Anger: what it is, how it's here to help, and what to do with it.


Knowing how we feel and what we...

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Here's Why Your Anger's Not A Bad Thing anger emotional intelligence emotions processing emotions Nov 22, 2022

Your Anger's not a bad thing, and it's certainly not inherently violent or unreasonable. Let's explore some of the positive aspects of our emotions, and how we can respond appropriately and healthily. You'll also find answers to: Is Anger Bad? (quick answer: not even at all). How to process...

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