Join the 2025 Self Study Program!

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

the reminder you've been waiting for... newsletters rest Oct 07, 2024

Storytime with Ruby


Does it feel like fall where you are?

I'm writing to you from Kate's living room. The sun glistens into the trees and streams through the divided-light windows; the air outside is warm but brisk in the way that only early autumn can offer us.

By now you likely know that...

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The Goal of Your Self Study Practice is to Sound More Like You feelings needs newsletters rest Sep 28, 2024

Storytime With Kate

I love everything about the Self Study Program (except the admin stuff on the backend of course but I'm grateful that Ruby and I get to do that together, like everything else.)

Anyway, one of my favorite parts of the Self Study Program are the one-on-one coaching calls that...

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What if There's Gold in the Garbage? acceptance boundaries compassion connection & community courage freedom presence rest trust Dec 06, 2023

Storytime with Kate

For the past 60 days, Ruby and I have made 100 posts on instagram... each. It's a challenge created by Simone Seol called the Garbage Post Challenge.

Ruby and I both felt so burned out on posting on social media after selling our brick and mortar businesses in 2021 that...

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