the Self Study Program 2024

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

Dating Again In My 30s courage fear newsletters self study self study coaching Jun 26, 2024

Storytime with Kate

We're in the theme of Courage in the 2024 Self Study Program and if you've read anything about courage from us, you know that where there's courage, there's also always fear.

I've been single since I was 24. I had a longterm boyfriend from 18-24. We had known each other since...

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ahhh, the goop phase acceptance connection & community presence self study self study coaching Apr 21, 2024

Storytime with Kate

I felt so seen when a friend sent me an article a few years ago about how caterpillars turn into a goopy nutrient dense soup-like substance inside the chrysalis before they turn into a butterfly.

and maybe you've forgotten this from 7th grade science class like I absolutely...

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Unclench Your Fist: Discover Freedom freedom newsletters self study self study coaching Oct 13, 2023

Storytime with Ruby


Have you ever found yourself stuck, holding onto something that, in reality, is holding you back?

Recently, my husband and I have been captivated by "Chimp Empire" on Netflix. (Side note: Wouldn’t “Chimpire” have been a cheeky alternative? C'est la...

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Finding Our Way: The Soft Side of Boundaries boundaries self study self study coaching Sep 01, 2023

Storytime with Ruby

Hey there,
Guess what? The Self-Study Program's theme for this month is... wait for it... Boundaries! And let me tell you, eyes popped and jaws literally hit the floor during our last Zoom call. It's funny how we all get jittery at the mere mention of the B-word. Don't...
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Why Men Need a Self Study Practice self study self study coaching self study practice May 30, 2023

When I first entered the work of Self Study, my eyes were opened to the inequities of the world. I began learning the ways that I've perpetuated systems of oppression within my own life as a white woman, and I started seeing how the systems were rigged against my humanness, and others.

A lot of...

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