the Self Study Program 2024

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

The Inconvenient Truth About Freedom freedom newsletters self study Jul 05, 2024

it was heartfelt circa 2016. our very first retreat. friday evening. post-dinner. the session when we go over the expectations for the weekend. 

"and finally, get comfortable being uncomfortable."

in the same split-second, kate and I glanced at each other. like our two brains were one, we...

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Dating Again In My 30s courage fear newsletters self study self study coaching Jun 26, 2024

Storytime with Kate

We're in the theme of Courage in the 2024 Self Study Program and if you've read anything about courage from us, you know that where there's courage, there's also always fear.

I've been single since I was 24. I had a longterm boyfriend from 18-24. We had known each other since...

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ahhh, the goop phase acceptance connection & community presence self study self study coaching Apr 21, 2024

Storytime with Kate

I felt so seen when a friend sent me an article a few years ago about how caterpillars turn into a goopy nutrient dense soup-like substance inside the chrysalis before they turn into a butterfly.

and maybe you've forgotten this from 7th grade science class like I absolutely...

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So what? connection & community freedom newsletters self study Apr 10, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

This morning I came straight to the window where the sunrise shines through. I pulled up a chair and I sat, mason jar of water in tow. I'm still sitting here now, the particular warmth of the morning sun gracing me with its embrace. I turn my face to the sun, close my...
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if life's a marathon... newsletters self study Mar 25, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

Life really be life-in', dontcha think?

Sometimes it feels like: if it's not one thing, it's another.

The typical duties and responsibilities (ie laundry, dishes, groceries, bills, work) PLUS the ongoing curveballs (sickness, injury, accidents, transition, loss) mean that...

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10 reasons you are ready now for the Self Study Program newsletters self study Mar 06, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

Kate and I have been talking a lot about the lie of *READY*. 

Personally, I've never felt ready for any leap in my life... I've just felt a tug and leaned in.

But in all those instances of not feeling ready for the leap, I have known I was ready for ...

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this is a very important reminder for unshakeable belonging acceptance courage freedom newsletters self study Feb 08, 2024

 Storytime with Ruby

I wanna keep this short and sweet, so I'm gonna dive right in...

I am so proud to say that in the lives of my clients, friends, and myself, we've really been showing how much we've grown lately! Specifically when it comes to leaning into a new way of being or a brave new...

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trad self help is out, self study is in acceptance courage newsletters self study trust Jan 25, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

Hi there,

Is it just me, or has self help become unbearably boring?

Everywhere I turn it's "7 steps to turning your life around for good" and "75 hard your way to greatness" and literally every imaginable self-help equivalent of the 90's diet culture champion: "nothing tastes...

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i have a confession... is it just a phase? courage freedom newsletters self study Jan 15, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

hey there, 

Yesterday evening, as I drove home from teaching a yoga class, the mountains already dark, I caught myself thinking of my ex. The scene that warmed itself into my mind was of us sitting across from each other at dinner, laughing, ordering something culinarily...

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Important Reminders for the New Year (or any new era) courage freedom newsletters self study Dec 28, 2023

 Storytime with Ruby

Idk about you, but I have no idea what day it is. Ain't that the way it always goes on the last week of the year? I take it as a sign that I'm right on track. 

I hope this note meets you in the nebulous, too.

As we dazedly round out 2023 and saunter head-first into...

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Navigating our bonds in a tech-driven world: Are you with me? connection & community newsletters self study Oct 27, 2023

Storytime with Ruby

Do you remember those days in your 20s when friendships felt like a wide-open grab bag? It was almost as if, "If they like me, I should probably like them back, right?" That’s how it was for me. I felt a duty to make room for everyone, collecting friends like cherished...

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Unclench Your Fist: Discover Freedom freedom newsletters self study self study coaching Oct 13, 2023

Storytime with Ruby


Have you ever found yourself stuck, holding onto something that, in reality, is holding you back?

Recently, my husband and I have been captivated by "Chimp Empire" on Netflix. (Side note: Wouldn’t “Chimpire” have been a cheeky alternative? C'est la...

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