the Self Study Program 2024

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

A Confession & A New Hack newsletters trust May 27, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

Wanna know a secret?

I have a mini-freakout every time I press send; on instagram, via email, for work.

Some days are easier than others, but I can feel my nervous system toggle into 'on'-mode the moment the piece goes out into the world.

What happens next? Will people...

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I Like The Way You Are: courage freedom newsletters presence trust Apr 01, 2024

Storytime with Kate

As Ruby said in last week's newsletter: Life really be life-in', dontcha think?

*you'll notice words highlighted in yellow below: they are some of the themes of the My Self Study Practice - they're highlighted like this to show you how they've show up in real time for me...

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Become the Person You've Always Needed newsletters trust Mar 17, 2024

Storytime with Kate

the Self Study Program is a practice of becoming the person you've always needed.

That could actually be the end of the post!

               I'll elaborate:


On an IG live the other day I shared this little nugget that...

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I'm a noob - and that's a good thing! courage freedom newsletters trust Feb 21, 2024

 Storytime with Ruby

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I'll go first. 

This weekend I skied for the very first time.

I took lessons in the morning, and honestly I was exhausted halfway through the lessons. By lunch I didn’t think I could handle taking a...

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trad self help is out, self study is in acceptance courage newsletters self study trust Jan 25, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

Hi there,

Is it just me, or has self help become unbearably boring?

Everywhere I turn it's "7 steps to turning your life around for good" and "75 hard your way to greatness" and literally every imaginable self-help equivalent of the 90's diet culture champion: "nothing tastes...

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What if There's Gold in the Garbage? acceptance boundaries compassion connection & community courage freedom presence rest trust Dec 06, 2023

Storytime with Kate

For the past 60 days, Ruby and I have made 100 posts on instagram... each. It's a challenge created by Simone Seol called the Garbage Post Challenge.

Ruby and I both felt so burned out on posting on social media after selling our brick and mortar businesses in 2021 that...

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Full Circle Moment: Rediscovering Belonging and Growth with A Trip to High School acceptance boundaries growing up trust Oct 09, 2023

Storytime with Kate

It's truly not something I ever imagined, but today I spent time on my high school campus and it was... fine. I was fine. 


The place is beautiful, stunning, state of the art. I went to a state-of-the-art-school that of course I didn't appreciate at the time...


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Navigating the Path of Authenticity with Anna Vatuone podcast self study trust Oct 06, 2023

Welcome to a heartfelt space where we explore, navigate, and delve deep into the subjects that matter the most to us. In this episode of The Self Study Podcast, Season 2, titled Full Circle Moments, we unwrap layers around a topic that, at one point or another, has grazed our life's journey: the...

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You Deserve To Feel Seen and Heard acceptance connection & community growing up newsletters relationship development self study trust Sep 21, 2023

Storytime with Kate

Hey there, I have a proposal:

Do you sometimes leave your interactions with your friends feelings kinda... Unfulfilled? Misunderstood? Unseen? Unheard?

Here's a big question for ya: What do you expect your friends to DO for you?

In other...

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From Perfectionism to Empowerment: Embrace Your Inner Sparkle acceptance courage newsletters self study trust Aug 03, 2023

Storytime with Ruby

Have you ever experienced a week where the Universe seems to be sending you a constant, powerful message?  That's exactly how my week has been - a series of events and conversations with a singular, common theme.

If I were to distill the essence of this message from...

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My Self Study Practice: Nurturing Self-Trust and Inner Growth by Transforming Shame into Belonging self study trust Jun 21, 2023

Storytime with Kate

Y'all, I had a little growth moment the other day!


One of my favorite things about My Self Study Practice is that, consistently, for a decade, I've witnessed myself show up differently. Of course it happens in big moments - when I make big choices to do something big....

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Fear vs. Authenticity: Choosing Honesty in Business and Life connection & community courage self study trust Jun 07, 2023

Storytime with Kate

Ruby and I have just hired a coach for our business.

We've been stuck.

Stuck on marketing, stuck on sales, not getting what we want out of the business we've been pursuing since our early 20s. Building this business has been on the sidelines of our lives going on 10 years.


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