Change is a portal 🌀
Aug 08, 2024Storytime with Ruby
I just moved across the country for the fourth time in my short 32 years. The difference this time is that there's no home to move in to. Jake and I have decided to spend the rest of this year with family and to take 2025 as an opportunity to travel. We have no plan. We have no idea where we'll end up or what we're gonna do along the way. I keep meaning to document what I think we'll do so that I can be entertained by my predictions when it turns out completely different.
Being in this state of change for an extended period of time will come with challenges. It already has. I'm thinking about change constantly; all the changes - intentional and otherwise - that I've experienced and endured in my life. Just like you.
From my parents divorce to my dad's passing, many moves big and small, starting a business, leaving that business, breakups, heartbreaks, hair color, attitude; so many changes in so little time. And that's not to mention the biological changes we all go through; our bodies are constantly shifting, adjusting, adapting, and optimizing to the best of their ability.
Change is always happening. We know that. What is it they say? "The only constant is change." It's true. We can look at nature and see the truth.
But change can be hard. None of what I mentioned before comes frictionless. It comes with inconveniences, growing pains, confusion. It comes with discomfort. It seems like it would be so much easier to just keep things how they are.
Even when we make up our mind about leaning into change, the road can get bumpy quickly. There are unexpected twists and turns. Change seems to have a domino effect. Change one thing, and another will change.
We shy away from change or we turn back mid-transition because of the hurricane of feelings that come up. We think that having mixed feelings is a sign of confusion or an indicator it may not be right. Intuition isn't a feeling, though; it sits deeper than that.
Intuition is the nudge inside you that's saying, 'Ah, yes, but change is good. Change is good for you. Change will show you incredible things. Change will grant you freedom.'
Even on paper it makes sense that change is scary. But it's happening anyway, so we might as well do it scared. And bring some tools with us along the way to make it easier.
Ultimately, change is hard because we resist the change. We want to stay the same, or maybe not but someone else wants us to stay the same. We don't want to be inconvenienced. We don't want discomfort. We don't want to feel. Our brains are designed to keep us safe, and change doesn't feel safe. So we make up reasons and excuses to hold on to the old patterns and beliefs, the sub-par relationships, and the unreasonably stressful (and boring) job.
Doing intentional change in my life has helped me see my own resistance, meet it, and tap into my resilience. Not for the sake of nothing. Because in my experience change changes everything in remarkably great ways. Change changes everything beyond my imagination, and my life is better for it. I am better for it.
I wouldn't trade my change for comfort any day.
That still doesn't make it any less scary.
You can be brave, though.
Change is a portal. It shakes up everything we know and spits it out as possibility. POSSIBILITY!
And it doesn't have to be huge to make a difference. Rearrange your living room, drive to work the long way, wake up early on a Saturday, read a genre you don't think you like, cook a new recipe, stay up late on a Tuesday, curl your hair. If you're feeling frisky you could pack up your whole life and move in with your mom for a few months. 😅 Take an extended time to travel. Get a different job. Leave that draining relationship. Have a kid. Live in a different country.
Notice how your brain responds to each of those things. Notice if it sounds like "I could never." "That's not possible for me." "Who am I to do that?"
To all of that I say: Why the heck not?!
You certainly can. It's your one-and-only life that we know for sure of! And you're meant to be free!
I remind myself of this everything I get apprehensive about making a change. I don't want to be disappointed in myself when I die. More importantly, I want to get the most out of my living; whatever may come.
Don't get me wrong: I'm feeling a little scared. A little freaked out. A little 'WTF?!'
But my Self Study Practice prepares and primes me for being able to make changes on purpose powerfully. Because of my inner work, I have a relationship of trust with myself. I have relationships with others that make me feel safe. I have inner stability to support me in what feels like an unstable life choice. I have routine that nurtures me no matter the circumstances.
This is what the themes of the My Self Study Practice offer you. I promise (and I do not make promises lightly).
Here's to leaning into the change. To remembering that you're not alone. To taking that leap, whatever it may be.
I see you. I love you. I'm here for you.
You're Doing Great,
P.S. Today, August 8th, is considered the most abundant day of the year for calling in your desires. If you're ready to make some intentional changes in your life, but that feels scary; of course it does! One-on-one Self Study Coaching with myself or Kate is the perfect way to get support in the process. Schedule a Discovery Call with me to see if coaching is right for you right now.
The Self Study Program is the first-of-it's-kind 9-month, comprehensive growth and empowerment curriculum to guide you into self-discovery, authentic connection, and personal integrity.
Take a deep dive into your Self through guided personal development, accountability, and care.
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