Join the 2025 Self Study Program!

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

Releasing the Weight of a Lifetime: A Transformative Moment with My Grandmother acceptance compassion presence Nov 06, 2023

Storytime with Kate

In 2015, my grandfather, Gram's husband of 65 years, had just died.

Gram had health issue after health issue the following year.

Her doctor told her she needed to gain 10 lbs.


I was visiting Gram in her empty house - it was just her now. The first time in her life...

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Embracing the Rocks in Our Tummies: A Journey of Honesty, Vulnerability, and Self-Discovery acceptance newsletters presence somatics Oct 18, 2023

Storytime with Kate


I'm gonna start by telling you that I love kids. In order to make it through this newsletter you don't have to feel the same way... but stay with me will ya? *and do your best to read it through my lens of tenderness and awe?

I have always loved kids.

I find...

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Full Circle Moment: Rediscovering Belonging and Growth with A Trip to High School acceptance boundaries growing up trust Oct 09, 2023

Storytime with Kate

It's truly not something I ever imagined, but today I spent time on my high school campus and it was... fine. I was fine. 


The place is beautiful, stunning, state of the art. I went to a state-of-the-art-school that of course I didn't appreciate at the time...


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Understanding Coaching: A Deep Dive with Taylor Elyse Morrison acceptance podcast self study Oct 05, 2023

Welcome back to the Duality Project, where we unfold the multifaceted world of coaching and personal development through invigorating conversations and insightful discussions. In the second episode of our second season, we are thrilled to introduce our very first podcast guest, Taylor Elyse...

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You Deserve To Feel Seen and Heard acceptance connection & community growing up newsletters relationship development self study trust Sep 21, 2023

Storytime with Kate

Hey there, I have a proposal:

Do you sometimes leave your interactions with your friends feelings kinda... Unfulfilled? Misunderstood? Unseen? Unheard?

Here's a big question for ya: What do you expect your friends to DO for you?

In other...

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Burnout, Bouncing Back, and Big Aha's: Redefining Rest acceptance freedom newsletters self study Aug 16, 2023

Storytime with Ruby

Hey there,

For as long as I’ve been seeing my therapist, we’ve been stuck on repeat. Seriously, since Spring 2019, it’s like a broken record 80% of the time: schedule, calendar, energy, and the never-enough-hours-in-the-day saga. My schedule isn’t just...

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Gain Confidence: From Anger to Fear, Feel Your Feelings acceptance anger courage fear newsletters self study Aug 09, 2023

Storytime with Kate

Part of what My Self Study Practice has taught me over the years is what, explicitly, am I feeling. The specificity of knowing how I feel has helped me actually feel my feelings instead of reacting to them and letting them hijack my behavior.

This feels really empowering...

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From Perfectionism to Empowerment: Embrace Your Inner Sparkle acceptance courage newsletters self study trust Aug 03, 2023

Storytime with Ruby

Have you ever experienced a week where the Universe seems to be sending you a constant, powerful message?  That's exactly how my week has been - a series of events and conversations with a singular, common theme.

If I were to distill the essence of this message from...

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How am I Supposed To Know “How It Feels In My Body” acceptance embodiment emotional intelligence emotions personal development presence somatics Nov 23, 2022

Have you recently been to a session with your coach or therapist and they've asked you "and how does that feel in your body?" or "and what sort of sensations do you notice in your body as you're telling me about this situation?" and you just LITERALLY had no idea where to start? You might have...

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