Join the 2025 Self Study Program!

the Self Study Papers

Welcome to the blog by the Duality Project. We're so glad you're here. Within these papers, you'll find stories, explorations of ideas, emotions, and learnings. Take what you need and leave the rest.

The Inconvenient Truth About Freedom freedom newsletters self study Jul 05, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

it was heartfelt circa 2016. our very first retreat. friday evening. post-dinner. the session when we go over the expectations for the weekend. 

"and finally, get comfortable being uncomfortable."

in the same split-second, kate and I glanced at each other. like our two...

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Dating Again In My 30s courage fear newsletters self study self study coaching Jun 26, 2024

Storytime with Kate

We're in the theme of Courage in the 2024 Self Study Program and if you've read anything about courage from us, you know that where there's courage, there's also always fear.

I've been single since I was 24. I had a longterm boyfriend from 18-24. We had known each other since...

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Lessons from Grief acceptance freedom newsletters Jun 21, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

june 22nd, 2024 is the 15th year anniversary of my dad's passing. his birthday, father's day, and his death date all smush up against one another in a burst of tender feelings mid-june, and the corner of my heart where grief abides swells.

the funny thing about grief is...

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summertime limeade and values 🦋 connection & community courage newsletters Jun 13, 2024

Storytime with Kate

summertime in the south is one of my favorite things.


the summer fruits. the gardens overflowing with fresh everything. the neighbors out in the streets. everybody coming out of their homes and saying hello.


the strawberries. the tomatoes. the generosity. the...

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You Are Not Hard to Love acceptance compassion freedom newsletters Jun 09, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

I should have known this was a red flag.

In my last relationship my boyfriend acted like he didn't have any needs or that all his needs were met all the time. (Lucky him, I guess?!)

But that means that when I expressed that I had some needs...

Which was honestly a new concept...

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A Confession & A New Hack newsletters trust May 27, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

Wanna know a secret?

I have a mini-freakout every time I press send; on instagram, via email, for work.

Some days are easier than others, but I can feel my nervous system toggle into 'on'-mode the moment the piece goes out into the world.

What happens next? Will people...

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Welcome to your Post Traumatic Growth Era acceptance anger boundaries newsletters May 17, 2024

Storytime with Kate

I have just DEVOURED Out of the Fog: Moving From Confusion to Clarity After Narcissistic Abuse.

Before you dive into this I do want to make a disclaimer: I'm annoyed that a lot of the internet is like "everyone and everything is a narcissist" because that's just not true....

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Doing the Good Kind of Scary courage newsletters May 14, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

When I was on the brink of leaving a 10 year relationship in the middle of a pandemic, I had to ask myself:

What's scarier?...

Making this choice for myself?
Waking up in five years and realizing that literally nothing has changed (or the things that had changed were not my...

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Anti-depressants anyone? Acceptance says, "ok" acceptance newsletters May 05, 2024

Storytime with Kate


so, I've been on anti-depressants/anti-anxiety two times in my life.

Once when I was a teenager and my parents were going through a divorce and I lived in the house with them.

The second time was when I lived in a small town in Colorado after selling my business...

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On Letting Go When It's Time acceptance newsletters Apr 28, 2024

Storytime with Ruby


In my last relationship I spent a long time being patient. Hoping things would change; hoping he would change. I resisted the acceptance necessary to see clearly. Finally, I got fed up. I said “I can’t do this anymore,” and walked out.

From the outside...

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So what? connection & community freedom newsletters self study Apr 10, 2024

Storytime with Ruby

This morning I came straight to the window where the sunrise shines through. I pulled up a chair and I sat, mason jar of water in tow. I'm still sitting here now, the particular warmth of the morning sun gracing me with its embrace. I turn my face to the sun, close my...
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I Like The Way You Are: courage freedom newsletters presence trust Apr 01, 2024

Storytime with Kate

As Ruby said in last week's newsletter: Life really be life-in', dontcha think?

*you'll notice words highlighted in yellow below: they are some of the themes of the My Self Study Practice - they're highlighted like this to show you how they've show up in real time for me...

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